No!News (Не!Новините) is a Bulgarian news satire website (similar to The Onion). The website’s owner and main author needed:
- a complete redesign of the website (originally made in 2005) with a focus on the content readability, load speed and maximized reader retention
- better content creation and management tools
- better ad publishing management
We created a custom solution, based on Laravel framework which features:
- New clear design with improved mobile (responsive) layouts
- Better content structure and website navigation
- Faster loading times
- SEO & Social sharing improvements
- Infinity scroll based layouts that allow the user to keep reading by just scrolling down
- Engaging quizzes on each news story
- Customizable design for specific categories or pages
- Improved CMS with news outlet specific features like post scheduling
- Revive Ad Server for more efficient ad publishing
Homepage with all news categories

Customized category page
Creating and editing a news story in the CMS