Our clients from Occupational health service Esperex approached us with a very specific idea – they needed a smartphone software tool that allows high-risk job employees (truck drivers, construction workers, etc.) to be evaluated frequently and conviniently for concentration, reaction time and overall work capacity. Then it had to report those test results to their managers and alert them if someone is not suited for work. The tool also had to:
be accessible enough so even first time smartphone users can work with it
be nearly impossible to cheat
comply with local and international specifications
We discussed several different testing approaches along with their pros and cons and came up with a product that consists of 4 modules:
Project owner website – a CMS website accessible only to our client. It allows for managing clients (companies that use the test on their employees) and per-client testing customization (duration, control questions, etc.)
Manager’s module – a CMS website acessible only to clients (company managers). It provides employee management features, performance statistics and notifications when someone fails the test.
Employee module – available both as an app and as a mobile optimized website. Allows the employees to make the test before starting shift and provides them with feedback on their performance.
Project presentation website – an informative WordPress website featuring the products features and pricing. Used for promotional purposes.
For the actual evaluation we implemented two visual and vocal tests:
Standard reaction time test – the users are presented with a board with gray indicators and a keyboard with five buttons with different colors and two – with high and low sound indicators (a whistle and a siren). On regular intervals one of the indicators on the board lights in a random color or plays a high or low sound. The user has to click the appropriate button as fast as possible while avoiding any mistakes. The final score is calculated by taking into account average reaction time, amount of mistakes and the user’s age group. Grading is done by a government approved scale with a per-client customization option.
Stroop test – a variation of this popular test is used when the user’s grade is on the limit between pass and fail. The users are again presented with five with different colors and are being presented with color names painted in different colors – i.e. GREEN. The users have to click on the button which has the same color as the one the word is painted in (BLUE in the previous example). Scoring and grading are again done by following government approved standards.
The test interface
Employee authentication with PIN code (alternative to username + password)